Translational Arthritis Database, crosslinking clinical and basic research
Well-defined patient cohorts are the basis for successful basic, translational and clinical research and have contributed to unravel the transition from autoimmunity to inflammation in patients with autoimmune diseases. The Z-Project as part of the PANDORA research unit plays a key role in integrating clinical, laboratory and imaging data as well as linking these data to the biomaterial bank. In Erlangen, established patient cohorts such as IRACE (Individuals at Risk for Arthritis Cohort Erlangen) or ERACE (Early and established Arthritis Cohort Erlangen) have been established that contain clinical, serologic and imaging data and biomaterials such as sera, synovial fluid, stool samples and synovial biopsies.
Using our existing Translational Arthritis Research Database (TARDA), which will be flexibly expanded and shared among all PANDORA projects, we will support, cross-link and integrate various data-streams. These will include clinical, serological and imaging data as well as data derived from the analysis of biomaterials. The overall objectives of the Z project are (i) to provide high-level human data on arthritis to all PANDORA projects, (ii) integrate various data sources to answer key questions about the prodromal phase and onset of RA and (iii) generate novel hypotheses that can be subsequently addressed experimentally.
Based on the successful work during the first funding period, we aim to expand TARDA, increase biomaterial sampling with a focus on human synovial tissue biopsies and integrate remotely acquired patient data via digital health applications. Obtained data will be annotated within TARDA and provide the basis for successful clinical and translational research within PANDORA.
! For internal requests please use the TARDA link
PD Dr. med. habil. Milena Pachowsky
Department of Medicine 3
Chair of Medicine III (Prof. Dr. Schett)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-32093
- Email: milena.pachowsky@uk-erlangen.de